Thursday, July 28, 2011


I'm re-doing the blog, so it will be under construction until Aug!  Sorry Friends/Family!  Ill be back with a new look!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4 month check up

Caden had his 4 month check up today and he did great.  He has gained 2 lbs and grown 2 1/2 inches.  He's up to 13lbs and 24 1/2".  His growing just great and is perfectly normal.

After all the measurements he had 2 shots and some oral vacinations.  He cried a little at first but then Adam scooped him up and cuddled him and he felt better.  Adam had never gone before to get the shots with us and he almost said a tear came down when he saw Caden's face wince up when the first prick came.  His little lips curled up and he let out a little scream followed with tears.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Legs up!

Lately Caden has discovered he can move his legs up and down. He will be laying in bed and it looks like he is frozen but his legs are just up. It's hilarious and he just lays there and laughs. Soon he will be rolling over. I can feel it.

Happy 4th of July!!

Today our family took a trip downtown to celebrate the 4th of July!  We didn't have any fireworks b/c of all the fires lately, but it was OK with us.  I think Caden would most likely cried the whole time.  Adam and some of the coaches helped set up an event and they even made the front page of the paper!  Adam's picture was blown up huge on the Silver City Sun Times

As Mimi said, it was a nice 4th for the Family, probably a little more work than I have been used to on this holiday. Myself and some of our staff and players worked for a few hours yesterday and today setting up and tearing down a set up for the local Kiwanis Club. The Kiwanis Club is based on helping kids and this is their major fund raiser here in Silver. The vast majority of the people in the group are 50+ with a lot being 60 or older and there was a lot of work for them to do, so they needed the help. They were very grateful for our help and we definitely expanded the support of our program in town.

The new president of the University was also on hand at his 1st public event. He told me immediately when I talked with him that he had heard for numerous people he had met that we were doing a great job as a program building support in the community and that is what WNMU needs. I really believe he has the right vision for WNMU and that we will be able to help him build that vision.

Mimi also volunteered at the 4th of July event and Caden was on hand for a while so everyone could tell us how cute he is, which he is freaking adorable (just being honest). It was a good day for everyone, one of many great 4th of July celebrations for the Clarks.

Adam, Mimi, and Caden
Caden in his 4th of July outfit from Grandma BK

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Friday!

Today Caden is home all day with mama. Last night he slept from 4pm until 6 am. He was super tired when he came home yesterday from school and just made his nap his bedtime. We were both really surprised. We thought he would be up at 3 am. But he just kept on sleeping and growing!