Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Morning chatter

Each morning around 6-7am Caden will wake us up,not by crying, but by talking.  When i go into his room he is just staring at his mobile and kind of smiling to himself and just very content.  He looks over at me and then his whole face lights up and he smiles really big and laughs.  It's like, "Hey!  I know you!  I'm so happy you came back to get me!"  it's so cute!

He is babbling more and more and soon I bet we will hear a mama or dada!  I love it!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day at the Park

Caden, Adam, Blitz and I all head to the park the other day.  It was nice to be outdoors for a little while without the smoke from the fires being too bad.  We've been getting a lot of the smoke come from AZ and now fires have started in NM.  It's been irritating my eyes and it makes Caden sneeze a lot.  But, we've been keeping our air on and it seems to help.

The park that we went to is called Gough Park.  It's next to the downtown strip and it seems like the largest area that has actual green grass, besides the football field.  Our area has been so dry lately.  We almost got rain the other day, but no such luck.  Caden enjoyed his day out, but he definitely has his likes/dislikes now.

He LIKES standing up all the time, he DISLIKES when you hold him like a baby.
He LIKES kicking his feet around all over the place and he DISLIKES when he can't push them off of things.
He LIKES facing you and making different sounds, he DISLIKES tummy time.

He's getting a lot of new expressions as well.  My favorite one is when he raises one of his eyebrows and then  scowls.  It's kind of like the look like, I see what your doing, but I think you are really weird for doing it.  It cracks me up.

He's getting so big and I can't believe I have an almost 4 month old baby!  Time is flying by!

New Baby!

Emily had her baby!!!! A beautiful baby girl.  Hanna Marie was born Monday 6/27 at 8:06am.  She was 6lbs and 8oz and 19.25".  Adam and I are proud God Parents!  We can't wait to hold her!  Pictures to come!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We have a grab!!

Caden is consciously grabbing things now. He looks a little drunk bc his hand eye coordination is just sprouting but its a start!  What a great milestone!

Family Fun Day

Saturday, Adam, Caden and I all went to the park for family fun day.  The town put on a festival for kids that promoted healthy living, reading and safety.  There were a ton of fun games for the kids to play and a lot of great information on safety, etc.  Caden of course just hung out a in the stroller and baby bjorn, so he didn't do too much, but he enjoyed the nice outdoors.

One of the coaches' wife, Tiffany (community health coordinator) was working there as well, so we said hello and got a cute little hat from her and some sun safety info.

Afterwards, we went to the Curious Cumquat and got some good healthy food and hung out.  It was a great day and it ended with some cocktails with some of my girlfriends and then pizza and a movie with Adam!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

1st Fathers Day

Well I just got done with my 1st Father's Day and it was a great one. Mimi really wanted it to be a memorable day for me and she went all out. The best thing about the entire day was just getting to spend all day with Mimi and Caden, who was up a lot so we had plenty of playtime. I spent the last hour of sleep with Caden nuzzled next to me. When I woke up I got a Card from Mimi and Caden and a nice framed picture of Mimi and me on our 6th anniversary trip. I also got a separate card from Blitz and apparently he got me a magazine subscription. After that Mimi cooked a really nice breakfast with eggs & hash browns with green chili, and some ham. It was tasty, she did a good job making the New Mexico green chili. The breakfast was finished off with waffles covered in whipped cream and ice cream, which was like a desert I got on our Greece trip last year. The rest of the afternoon we just played with Caden and relaxed, it was great. Mimi then made a snack of Green Chili Cheese Fries, which were again really good and tasty. We then gave Caden a bath, read him a few books, and put him to sleep. Them Mimi finished off the day with a big dinner, with a nice big steak, potatoes, corn, crab cakes. Mimi was so thoughtful and sweet, I really enjoyed the day and will remember it the rest of my life. I am blessed to have such an adorable and healthy baby boy and such an amazing wife. I love them all.

Fathers day

Today Adam and Caden are sleeping in and hanging together. More to come about the day!  It's all a surprise for Adam.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Loves standing

Caden is constantly pushing his legs out so he can stand. I swear he's going to go straight to walking and skip crawling all together.

Adams song

Adam sings to Caden quite frequently. He has this little song he made up about how he's Caden's dad and how everything is ok and he loves him. It's so cute. I love listening to him and watching them interact. Cadens eyes light up when he hears Adam coming and he smiles so big when we talk to him. Parenthood is awesome!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

First baby t-shirt!!

3 months 1 week
No crotch snaps for this big boy!!  Caden wore his first actual T-shirt.  It has an elephant playing a plaid guitar which matches his shorts.  Usually he wears onsies to hold his shirt down, but today he was feeling very mature and suggested to me he wanted to wear this outfit.  It's so adorable.  It looks super cute on the hanger, but even more adorable on him!

He has a half day at school today and then Adam and I will pick him up at noon.  Adam and I have been dropping him off and picking him up together pretty consistently.  It's really nice that we both can do this.  I love being with Adam and raising our little guy. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stretch mark city

Ok friends I need some help!  What's a good stretch mark cure?  See exhibit A. I've been using palmers since Caden was born but there's still marks. Any suggestions?  Guys sorry for the pic but its life. Hope it doesn't gross you out too much!  Lucky I didn't post my stitches. Haha. Thanks for following!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grabbed guy

Caden has been exploring more with his hands lately. If you put something on his chest he will attempt to grab it and put it in his mouth. It's a fun milestone!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tummy time

What a growing boy!

Zumba and gettin fit!

Zumba is back in full force!  I've been doing the curves circuit and zumba for the past 2 months and I'm loving it!  I totally feel back to normal and I'm getting really pumped to be back working out.  I'm going to own this summer.  I totally am going to try to lose another 10lbs in fat at try to trim up a ton of muscle.  I'm going to be a total MILF.  In the fall I'll start my classes M-Th from 7-8 at night.  I'm really looking forward to making the extra money and getting fit...just in time for baby number 2.  :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Carefree Weekend

This weekend Adam and i had a nice relaxing time.  Saturday we had some friends over and we made Sangria and sunbathed in the hot desert sun.  Two of the coaches' wives came over and a few of the coaches and we just hung outside.  It was really nice out and we all got a nice tan!  (well some of them burnt!)

Caden enjoyed a nice little nap while we hung out and then got up to enjoy the rest of the day with us.  He's growing so much lately.  He can almost hold his head up completely without looking like a crazy drunk.  He's enjoying tummy time a little more as well, but not that much.  Everyday he looks more and more like a little man, he's getting cuter and cuter as well.

Sunday, Adam, Caden, Blitz and I all went to the park.  It was really nice out and most the smoke was blowing the other day.  Caden slept until we got to the park and during our walk but then woke up in time to hang out a little in the shade.  He's more and more aware of his surroundings more.  Before, he would just sleep and sleep and you could just go about your day and he wouldn't wake up, but now if you stop rocking, stop music, or walk away, his little eyes just perk right up and they look at you with this little expression that says, 'Mommy, Daddy, don't leave me, can you just pick me up one more time?" It's so adorable and it makes me melt so much!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Nap time

Adam has been going 100 miles per hour. Today was the first day he has had free in weeks. He has been swamped with interviewing, camps, and fund raising. He has been exhausted. It's nice that he has some time today to unwind and enjoy some nice daddy son time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sleepy guy

Caden has been going through growth spurt. He's been eating a ton and sleeping. He is so funny when he is up though. Just laughs and looks around everywhere. He loves when you read him books and sometimes squeels in excitement. It's so fun watching him grow. I can't believe he will be 3 months old Friday. It goes so fast!  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Missouri Pig

This was Caden in his cute little outfit hangin with his friend Missouri pig.  All compliments of auntie Cara.

Caden has been getting more and more alert.  He smiles every time you say something to him and looks around for you when you talk to him.  It's so cute.  He's laughing and cooing a ton and he is starting to grab things-Only if we put it in his hand he will hang on to it, but it's a start.

Adam's running his first football camp this week in Yuma, so he is super busy.  He's been planning these camps the whole spring.  I'm excited that he gets to run and coordinate things his own way and really make this program his own!  He's really proud of what he's accomplished and has about 136535 more things he wants to do.

Who me?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Loss of a coach

Our thoughts and prayers to go the Bostwick Family.  He was an awesome coach and great guy.  I can't imagine the pain that their family is going through.  Last night I went to bed and kissed Caden extra times and held Adam as close as i could.  Adam was friends with Scott and we are close friends with his brother.  It's a hard thing to cope with but reminds you to love and cherish every moment with your family.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer Time

Time is just flying by and now it is June already. Caden just keeps getting bigger and has started day care at the college. He is moving more and more and is more vocal than ever. He is a adorable little feller and I try to spend as much time as I can with him. Work is still busy as always. We are doing a camp in Yuma next week and then one in Tucson the next week. We are still figuring out if we are doing our southern California camps at the end of June or in July. We backed our Phoenix camps off to July. We are at the same time working on sponsorships for our program and getting game plan and scheme stuff settled for the next year. Mimi is doing good, just working from home and has started up her Zumba classes again, which she is really happy about. She is a great mom and loves her little man so much. We have so much to be happy for and I try to always remind myself to be thankful for the life we have. - Adam

Thursday, June 2, 2011

1st Day at Daycare

Today was really hard for me.  It was Caden's first time away from me with a stranger.  He started daycare today.  Yesterday I took him there to get him visit with the staff and take a look around with him.  He slept the whole time, but it gave me a chance to ask a lot of questions.  WNMU's daycare is the best one around here and in the state, so i feel very comfortable with him going there.  One of the ladies who will be with Caden is actually one of the Alumni that I've come to know from games, so I felt good about that.  She's a little older so I feel like this isn't her first rodeo.  I cried when i left him and wanted to turn around right away, but Adam reassured me he would be OK and I came home and worked.  A few hours later Adam and I decided to go to lunch which was a good idea to get my mind off things.  So, we went to lunch and we both hurried back to get him after that.  So, his 1/2 day was a success!  But, i'm glad he's back in my arms now.  I sure missed him!