Monday, May 30, 2011

6 Years in the making!

This past Saturday was Adam and I's 6th year wedding anniversary.  Each year we switch planning the celebration.  This year was Adam's year.  He planned a VERY cute day that included the beach that he proposed on, but last minute we decided to go to Catalina Island.  Our day started bright and early as we headed to LA to the boat at 6am.  Adam was exhausted from the day before's recruiting trip, but he was excited for the days events and got up bright eyed and busy tailed.  I was super excited of course as I usually am.  Adam's parents watched Caden for the day which was really nice to have.  It was the longest i had been without Caden and I thought about him a lot during the day, but he was a good little baby and enjoyed being spoiled by his grandparents.  The island was beautiful.  It felt like a mini honey moon.  Adam and I played mini golf, rode around the island in a little golf cart and grazed on food and drinks all day long.  It was a blast!  I love Adam 100 times more than the day I married him.  I didn't think it was possible, but each day we are together I grow closer and close to him and it makes me love him and appreciate him as a husband and daddy.  I feel like we're still newlyweds and I'm looking forward making more memories (and babies) with him!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baby Thursday in San Diego

No Thursday goes by without me thinking about Caden...well actually no day goes by when I don't think about him.  We have been in San Diego visiting family for the past week and Caden has loved it.  He's getting spoiled a ton and has been very happy.  He's going through another little growth spurt where he is sleeping more than usual, but he still keeps a good schedule of 7-7 during the night with 2 feedings in between.

Adam has been swamped with work, whether it's visiting schools or networking.  He's gone all day and comes home for late dinners.  I can tell he misses Caden but I try to send pictures as much as we can.  He still has time for the late night feedings though.

This Saturday will be Adam's and I's 6 year anniversary.  Each year we swap planning something, so this year is his year.  We went to Greece for our big 5 YR anniversary.  I'm excited to see what Adam has in store.  I have no clue but I know it involves Caden for part of the day and then the rest of the day we have to ourselves.  It's amazing how fast it's gone by.  It seems like our live has been out of control fast since I was pregnant.  I wish things would slow down, but what fun would that be?


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Caden's first trip to San Diego

Jill and I started out at about 10am. Her car full of baby stuff and her two dogs and my car full of luggage and Caden and Blitz. I made it about an hour out before I had to feed him.  I tried to time it up right but its anything goes with a 2 month old.  I got to Tucson to pick up Adam with only 4 stops.  He was there for a meeting so I was solo the first part of the trip. The second part of our trip is ok so much easier with 2 people in the car. 3 more hours to go.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Funday

Today, Adam and I went to church in the morning and then we came home and made a nice little brunch for our family.  After breakfast Adam and I decided to take a family nap with Caden and we slept for about an hour with our little guy.  He looks so small on Adam's chest when he sleeps and it reminds me how little they start out and how the blossom into such individuals.  Someday, Caden will be bigger and stronger than I am and he will be doing things without me.  It makes me want to slow time down-He is only 2 months old, but I feel like it was just yesterday I was brining him home from the hospital.

While Adam and I napped, Jill went shopping!  Her first visit she decorated our living room (pictures to come) and this visit she spruced up the patio!  She just loves decorating and we get to reap the benefits of it!  It comes so natural to her and it made our place look totally different-we love it!  Thank you Grandma!

After the decorating, Adam and I went to the Gila National Forest for a hike.  It was nice to get out and get some fresh air.  It reminded me of when our lives were B.C. (before Caden).  Blitz, Adam and I just hiked up and down the mountain and enjoyed our time together.  It was nice to re-connect with Adam without being exhausted or having our little guy joined at our hips.  

We ended the day with a nice dinner outside.  I made some crab cakes and wild rice and we enjoyed our dinner in our new backyard.  I wish everyday were a Sunday!

Top chef breakfast

Mimi won of course due to presentation.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Public Hanging

Public Hanging?

This morning Adam, Jill, Caden and I had breakfast and headed to the farmers market and the art walk.  Each weekend the town has a farmers market and an art market.  But, this weekend there was a 'public hanging'.  One of the roads downtown was shut down and art lined the little streets of Silver.  There was music, food and tons of art.  Caden was great and just hung out and rode along in his little stroller.

Caden and Mommy at breakfast

Happy Mommy with son

Art walk

Live Poetry reading

Adam and Mom

Date night re-cap

Last night was such a fun date night.  Adam took me to a cute Italian restaurant in Demming and after that we went to a movie.  It was a lot of fun.  It was nice to get a way from the little guy for a little bit.  Adam and I enjoyed our time together and we just re-connected and fell in love again.  After dinner we went and saw the movie Bridesmaids, which was hilarious.  We drove home after that and I squeezed my little guy-I was so happy to see him when I got home.  Grandma enjoyed her time with him though!

Baby Mamas

Last weekend Raz and I celebrated our Mommy-hood with some well deserved champagne!  We had all the coaches over and had a nice little baby party!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Surprise date night!!

Details to far Italian dinner and next a surprise movie!  Grandma is home enjoying Caden.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Birthday Cake!

Jill bought a '2' candle for Caden's big 2 month birthday!  YUM!

Birthday Boy!

Today was Caden's 2 month birthday.  We went to the doctor and he has grown 1/2" and gained 2.4lbs.  He is now a whopping 22" and 11lbs.  He is adorable!  His head is stronger and stronger, which is amazing since it's so big.  He got a series of 3 shots yesterday and one mouth spray vaccination.  He did great too.  At first he was just laying there so angelic and then all of a sudden the big sting.  His face instantly turned red and he looked at me and screamed!  His little lip pursed out and it seriously sounded like he was saying 'ow'.  He cried for about a minute (which seemed like an eternity) but the after that we put him in his car seat and he was fine.  He fell asleep on the ride home.  I was so proud of him!  It must be the tough side of Daddy that he gets that from!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's day!

Ok, I'm finally back up and running.  I've been neglecting to blog lately since we've been so swamped with life in general.  I wasn't able to make it back to my Grandma's funeral, but I saw some great pics my from my sister in law and I felt like I was there.  It still hasn't really hit me that my Grandma has passed away, perhaps it's because I can feel her presence all the time and I know her guardian angel is watching over our family.

Today, is Mother's Day and until now, I haven't been able to truly appreciate my Mom.  She is my hero and my best friend (who you can fight with and annoy easily :) ).  Having a baby makes you feel this deeper level of love that you can not explain.  It's a love that makes you so happy and so overwhelmed.  Each time I look at Caden I am mesmerized.  It's an indescribable love that I know I will feel forever.  Now, I know how my parents feel and how they put up with me though all my terrors as a teenager and any other time I was difficult.

Adam's Mom came this weekend and we got to enjoy Mother's day with her.  She has been awesome!  Adam's recruiting this week in Phoenix and so she came to help with Caden.  She is such a great mother in law to have!

Here's to all the Moms!!  I love you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Baby smiles

All of daddys funny noises all paid off. Caden is laughing and smiling now when Adam makes all his funny noises. We love him more and more every day.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Stressful Week

These last few weeks have been very stressful.  Caden and I went back to Iowa to see my Grandma who was in hospice.  It was a long journey but worth the trip 100 times over.  I'm over exhausted and emotional and I will promise to blog more this week, but nothing recaps it better than my sister in laws blog about my Grandma-check it out at:

Thank you Carrie!

Caden Keeps Growing and Keeps Us Busy

This will be a quick post. Caden gets bigger each day and keeps us busy. We are both working and not using any day care yet, so it is a challenge. Caden has attended a few staff meeting with me and has also sat in on some meeting with me and my players. We did our spring clean up project yesterday as a football program and cleaned the yards of elderly people around town. Then today Mimi and I did some cleaning, got some groceries, and then gave Blitz a bath and Caden a bath. Life is busy, but good.

Naptime with daddy