Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby Mama's

Here is the latest picture of Raz and I.  Raz is a couple weeks behind me and is having a baby girl-Jayla.  It will be so adorable, Caden and Jayla.  They will spend the first football season together and grow together their first year of life.  It's really fun to have someone here who is going through the exact same thing as I am.  We are really similar and it's fun to talk about all the ups and downs of being pregnant without being annoying.  I can't wait to have our babies here!

Hospital Visit

Last night Adam and I made our first trip to the hospital.  My blood pressure was really high, so I called the doctor and he recommended that I come in.  It was kind of perfect timing since our car seat came the same day, so we were prepared just in case.  The doctor said depending on the test results, I may be induced that night, so Adam and I packed our bags just in case.

I got to labor and delivery around 7pm and they hooked me up to the blood pressure machine and monitored the baby.  It was so good to hear his heartbeat so much.  It's something that I will never get used to, every time I hear it, I get so excited and it makes my heart melt.  My blood pressure was much lower, which was great.  They took my blood and ran some test to see if I had preeclampsia.  A few hours later we found out all my tests came back ok and we were OK to go home.  It was a long wait and we were wondering if we would have a baby this weekend, but luckily the doc said we had a few more weeks.  With his size and my blood pressure though he said we'd be lucky to make it past 38 weeks.  I'm so ready to have him whenever he is ready to come.  He is around 6lbs already so the doctor said he'd be a healthy little boy.

We will keep everyone updated!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Thursday

Today was our 35 week mark!  Almost 36 weeks.  We met with another doctor today so that in case Dr. Diaz can't make it we will be familiar the other doctors.

It wasn't the best visit, not the doctor's fault though.  I ended up having really high blood pressure, a bladder infection and also possible preeclampsia.  We had an ultrasound and Caden is in birthing position, head down, so he could technically come next week the doctor said.  He is about 6lbs and has a very large twinkie according to the doctor-he was very impressed and took about 8 photos of it for us.  The doctor also checked if I was dilated due to the number of contractions I've been having.  But, my cervix was sealed which was good news. 

I have to take a 24hour pee test and then bring the urine to the hospital and also have them do some blood work.  I also have to go check my blood pressure each day, which will be kind of annoying, but it will get me out of the house.  Once they get the results back from my test, they will determine if I need to be induced.  I guess preeclampsia is common for first time pregnancies with boys.  My friend Emily had it too and she was induced as well.  It was pretty shocking knowing that we could have our little baby in the next week.  I'm ready though and am so looking forward to it.  I kind of blame my last Denver visit on my high blood pressure, it took a lot out of me and my feet/hands were swollen the entire time.  I was absolutely exhausted up there and when I got back as well, it also caused a lot of un-necessary stress too.

I will keep everyone updated and let you know how it goes and when our little man will be here.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Back in Denver & BBQ

I made it one last time to Denver.  I was exhausted.  Yesterday, Adam and I had all the coaches over for end of recruiting celebration.  It's nice to finally have Adam back but as soon as one thing ends, another begins.  Spring ball starts Monday.

The BBQ was really fun and it was nice to have all the coaches over.  I love having people over and being in my own home, it's so much easier and I can just be comfortable and I love entertaining!  Adam was able to relax, yet he still left the party for about 1/2 hour to meet some recruits.  He is such a hard worker!

We both got to bed around 1ish in the morning after everyone left.  We were both tired and my feet were so swollen.  I got up around 7 to finish some packing and get ready for my trip to Denver.  I slept the whole time on both flights.  I left Silver City around 12 and flew to Alb. and then from Alb I flew to Denver.  I was exhausted. 

I got to my hotel and then had dinner at my favorite Thai place with my favorite gays-Rachel and Alisha.  They are so awesome.  Rachel is working on her masters and her girlfriend is in the middle of boot camp as she will be a police officer for Boulder in June.  We were all exhausted and I just came back to my hotel and did some work.

The next few days will be a whirlwind, I've got 2 days of meetings and entertainment with our client.  It's our annual convention where they chose new items for the upcoming year.  Emily has been doing a TON of work on it and basically put it all together.  She's finally past her 20 week mark and her baby will be here before we know it.  I'm excited for both our babies and it's a real turning point in our lives.  It's so amazing to me still that in about a month, all my priorities are going to be taking a huge shift and my whole world will be turned upside down-in a great way.  I can't wait to hold my baby boy and be a Mom. 

I'm so ready for him to come.  So, once i get back from Denver, my next bags i pack are the ones for the hospital-I already have some things put together, so it's getting more and more real as the weeks go on!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wax on, Wax off

So, usually I get waxed by a professional, but since Adam and I are trying to save money I bought a home kit.  Trust me it's a jungle down there and i would have been totally embarrassed to go anywhere anyway.  Adam gave me a full bikini wax and OMG did it hurt like hell!

It's usually pretty painful anyway, but this time it was excruciating.  It was Adam's first of course and he didn't quite get the concept of ripping complete strips off, so instead he was ripping off little chunks by chunk, so basically it just felt like he was plucking each hair out by hand.  It took over an hour, but after that he was finally done.

He didn't get all the wax off, so basically i stuck to everything and was glued shut for about 24 hours.  It was hilarious and we laughed super hard.  He truly is a trooper of a husband.

Sorry, no pictures. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Getting uncomfortable

I'm up to 34" from pelvis to upper chest and the exact same weight gained.  My belly has grown so much and it's HUGE.  Adam loves moving it up and down, it seriously feels like something that is attached to me or if I really did have a basketball under my shirt.  It's getting really hard for me sleep at night.  I just can't get comfortable.  I hate sleeping on my side and if I lay on my back, I can't breathe.  Adam hasn't been sleeping too well either, we think he is allergic to something, but not sure what.  At night he gets really congested and his nose gets totally clogged.  It's only at night so it's very weird.

Adam wrapped up his recruiting last weekend and had a lot of people commit.  He's wrapping up hiring an offensive line coach and then spring ball will start!  Once spring ball wraps up, our little guy will be here!  Then he will be in full Daddy mode.

I leave for Denver this weekend and then after that i will be packing my bags for the hospital.  I have all of Caden's cloths ready, I just need some essentials for myself and some snacks for Adam.  I'm really hoping that my labor will go quickly.  I have a feeling that he will be here at the end of March, I think he's ready to come out.  He's making more and more hard movements and I can feel him trying to move his little body into birthing position.  The other night i swear i felt his little fingers.

I have about 6 weeks left and can't wait to hold him in my arms!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Shower (San Diego)

Last weekend Adam and I had one last baby shower hosted by his Mom and his Aunts.  It was really fun.  It was a ton of fun seeing everyone and spending time out there even though our trip was really short.  We got a ton of awesome things for Caden and his room is almost complete.  We just need some curtains and a bed skirt.

Breakfast burritos
We drove Friday afternoon and got in around 10pm and then we went straight to bed.  In the morning we went to our favorite burrito shop in the morning and then headed straight to IKEA to get the rest of our nursery furniture.  We got our changing table and some cute decorations and some bedding.  After that we headed to the shower.  Adam's mom was super sick but she was a really good hostess.  His Aunts and cousin Cory came over too to help out.  It was a really fun day.  I'm getting more and more anxious to hold him in my arms and have him enter into our world.

After IKEA we went to Babies R US to spend the last of our gift cards from our shower in Iowa.  We got all the main essentials and just need his stroller.  Which we will get this month.  After that we went to my new favorite restaurant Sushiya with some of his family, it was so good, they have awesome sushi and Korean food.  Needless to say after the day was over my feet were so swollen, you couldn't even see my ankles, i looked like i had caveman feet and my arches were completely swollen over, it was crazy.

We drove home after breakfast with Adam's dad in the morning, I think he is getting really excited to have a grandchild and I'm sure he will be visiting a lot and spoiling him.

7 weeks left to go and it's quickly approaching.  I've been having more and more braxton hicks contractions, they aren't painful, just really weird, my belly just turns to stone.  My doctor said everything is going well and I will start going there every week pretty soon.  They increased my iron to 2 doses a day, but it's not too bad, some complications with heartburn though-other than that, we are ready to have the little guy!

getting HUGE

surfer cake

Petra and Ginger

Soon to be parents

Finally Jon smiling!

Jill and her new friend Emma

relaxing after putting together the rocking chair

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baby Thursday

Caden is getting bigger by the day, which in turn means Mimi is getting bigger as well. I can't believe how big her belly is and it is even crazier that she will get even bigger over the next month and a half. She looks so cute and is so happy being pregnant. She has been a little more uncomfortable lately and has had a little more trouble sleeping, but overall she has still been doing well. We got a lot of nice stuff at the baby shower in San Diego. Thanks family. Caden will be here soon, hopefully he will wait for spring ball to start and finish which will happen most of March. Life is busy now, but will be crazy once he he comes. We are finishing up recruiting, I am hiring another Coach, and then we are starting up spring practice. Life is busy, but good, and it will get busier and better shortly when Caden gets here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Last night Adam and I graduated from our baby class last night!  It was so fulfilling-lol.  We can now be real parents.  We changed diapers last night and swaddled and then had a potluck.  It was fun and I'm glad we took the class.  The instructor was great and I hope some day we can run into all those teenage parents someday at the local Wal-Mart. 

More blogging to come for baby shower recap!  Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby Thursday!!! 8 weeks left! YAY!

Best ever!
Last night was the first time I actually made Adam go out to the store to get me food.  I'm quite surprised it hasn't happened earlier, but I was having an uncontrollable craving for Oreos.  I couldn't get it out of my head.  Adam didn't seem to bothered by going out, b/c as we all know he has a giant sweet tooth, so not only did he come home with Oreos, he also came home with chocolate chips.  I was so happy and the oreo box even sat on my belly for a perfect little table!

No new belly pic today-but I did post one last week under the belly pics tab!  I'm getting huge.  I've gained about 33lbs so far and I've still been feeling pretty good.  Sleeping has gotten a lot better believe it or not, I think it's b/c i've been so tired though.  I almost feel like i'm in my first trimester again.  I am still doing my zumba/curves class, so exercise has been good for me and Adam has been giving me a lot of back rubs.  We've also been getting trying to take Blitz out a lot since it's been so nice out.

Now, it's off to San Diego tomorrow for one last baby shower!  We're very excited!

Adam's field