Sunday, January 22, 2012

Where did Jan go?

Caden has been doing a TON of growing lately.  I can't believe I have a 10 month old.  It's gone by so fast and I don't how to slow it down.  

Adam has been really busy with the recruiting season.  I sometimes forget that recruiting takes up more time that actual season.  Recruiting allows Adam to be home earlier, but he's constantly on the phone.  When he's not on the phone, he's traveling or having recruiting visits on campus.  It's a never-ending cycle.  It is nice that he is home though and he has got to spend some great quality time with Caden.  

One of the things that Adam spends a lot of time with is giving back to the community.  This weekend he had the football team carry groceries out from the local Wal-Mart.  The community loves it and they also got a chance to sell some of their Athletic Calendars.  While Adam did that, Caden GREW.

Caden's 'scrunchie' face


wanted to wear Daddy's hat

Daddy watching Caden fall into the basket, he had to take a video before he helped him out-whomp whomp

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Survival Tips for Single Parenting Success

My time has flown by as a single Mom.  It's been wonderful and I've enjoyed my mother-son time.  I feel for the first time that I really have this mother-thing under my belt and I'd like to share with you my top 5 survival tips.

5.  Prepare meals the night before...after bedtime. 
I'm big on a nice home cooked healthy meal for CKC, but when Adam's gone it's SO hard to watch him and cook fresh everything.  I've mastered the microwave-get familiar with it.  

CKC enjoying pre-cooked dinner.  I put it on individual plates as well for easy microwave preparation.
(Note veggies hidden in food)

4.  Educate your child. 

This is your chance to saturate your baby's brain with knowledge...knowledge about how SUPERIOR Mommy is and how awesome her skills are as a parent.  You owe it to your child to teach them this.

WHAT THE WHAT!?  Never google Mother/Son matching shirts

3.  Keep your routine!
It's super easy for me to get in the habit of having Caden fall asleep on my chest while watching amazing reality TV (Dance Moms), but I had some self control and stayed true to Caden's schedule and it paid off.  For the first time ever he slept the entire night 7-7.  AMAZING!

Abby would want it that way.

2.  Don't over do it.
Dishes pile up, cleaning doesn't get done, plants die and I wear the same dirty cloths...but, I'm less stressed at home and I allow myself to have some free time with CKC.  
Who likes doing chores anyway?  Plus, by now your husband is home and wants to give you a break so he will guiltily do all the chores for you.  BONUS.





1.  Buy wine prior to your spouse leaving...
this way you don't look like a crazy drunk taking your baby into the liquor store.

UM-WHO IS THIS LADY?!  Never google baby + wine.  Is that baby  alive?  Someone call Dateline.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Great seeing you, good-bye...

My husband and I got to spend 3 amazing weeks together visiting family and friends.  We made it to Iowa, Las Vegas and San Diego all with our little 9 month old.  It was quite the adventure and was SO relaxing.  I have to admit, I love having family around to help take care of CKC.  We are all alone in New Mexico and have a high school babysitter who is great, but no family to come help. (I praise the Lord every time Adam's Mom comes to help for extended periods, but she's 8 hours away!)

But, now that we are back, it's back to reality.  SINGLE MOM.  As many of you and your husbands will be off to the upcoming football convention, mine will be joining you.  It's kind of like his spring break if you will.  He goes to network, share football stories and drink beer.  I'm excited for him to get the chance to go again, but it makes me lonely just thinking about it.  And then after convention, recruiting, then spring ball and by the time you know it, it's game day.

With CKC now starting to try to walk, it makes my life very interesting.  Does anyone know of any good survival tips for entertaining and keeping up with an almost 10 month old? Should we just eat McDonalds every night?

Crazy Mom...and republican

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012!

Hello 2012, you look FABULOUS!  My blog is finally----kind of----back up and running!  I've been doing some experiementing on DreamWeaver and I've got to say, making websites is very fun, but in the meantime, I've got my good ole blogger.

What will this blog offer you in 2012 you ask?


Ok, seriously, I will share a lot of thoughts on how to survive living with an always 'in season' football coach and how to keep up with my ever growing off-spring, Caden.

I will try to share more convient foods for the football season, unlike my amazing lasagna that took 35923 hours to make.

Mostly, I hope my blog will provide you with insights on what it's like to be married to football.   Maybe we can connect on a creepy internet way and we can share our stories on how to be super hero Football Wives and Moms...but let's not get all sappy.  Happy New Year!