Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2nd Ultrasound

Today was our second ultrasound and WOW has this baby gotten big.
13 weeks
Adam met me at the doctor which is so hard for him but he really takes the time to do all these appointments during football season.  I'm thankful that the baby will come once we are out of the season.  The doctor said we were a week ahead of schedule and he/she is still moving like crazy.  Turning and tossing and fist pounding more than ever.  The baby's measurements were all coming back healthy and we are both super excited!  Today I also received my first baby gift from my mom.  It was an adorable little football sleeper and a little princess sleeper.  The next day I got an adorable State Farm bear and little stuffed animal from my Aunt Geralyn.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First baby gift

My first baby present from the Mielke's!  Cute little stuffed monkey, foot cream, belly cream and some delicious baby bars!  LOVED IT!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dad's weekend

My Dad came to visit us this weekend.  It was a ton of fun.  We got to tour around the city and went to the 'Cat Walk' in NM.  It was an old mining area that they turned into a path that you could walk on.  It was very scenic and fun.  My dad also helped us with a lot of stuff around the house.  He fixed multiple things like our sink, the swamp cooler, microwave and much more.  Dad's are handy that way!  I'm glad he came and he also got to see one of Adam's games.  They lost that weekend, but it was a close game.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First W as a head coach!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam won his first game yesterday as a head coach-it was AWESOME!!  35-32 against Sol Ross.  The team was in a parade the next day.