Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring (Ball)

Spring ball is on it's way here!  Practice will start this Wednesday and Adam will be super busy.  The team is going to look really good and I'm super pumped about this coming football season.  It feels like this semester is going by super fast.  I've been taking MBA classes and am enrolled in the SWNM Leadership Program.  I feel like I've been going 100 miles per hour.  But, SPRING BREAK is coming!  We will celebrate Caden's first birthday.  I decided not to go big and send out invites and have  huge theme.  Instead we are going to have a big cookout at the beach.  We will go to the same area that Adam proposed to me at.  We're going to start making it a family tradition to try to have more parties there.  

I've started looking for casserole ideas for our upcoming dinners.  It's so much easier to make something you can reheat when the season has started.  Any ideas-send them my way! 

Here are some pics of the boys enjoying Caden's first Valentines day.  

Just hangin with Daddy

We love Mommy!

Heart shaped pancakes

Monday, February 13, 2012

My 30th Birthday

Well I'm officially 30!  I have to admit I don't feel much different except the feeling I get when I am judged more for being immature.  For my birthday my friends from the 303 spoiled me with an amazing weekend in Tucson.  We stayed at the JW Starr Pass resort and had an awesome time.  

I have never laughed so hard in my life.  We ate and drank like it was our last weekend on earth and we laid out pool side and relaxed in the lazy river.  It was fantastic.  I have to admit, it was so nice to get away from being a Mom for a few days.  I slept threw the night and took my time showering.  My friends really spoiled me with such a good weekend.  

lazy river

I think this was our only sober picture...and of course it was the last day of the trip before we all departed.

Alisha, Emily, me and Rachel

Adam's Mom came into town to help Adam as he had a recruiting weekend.  We couldn't have done it without her.  She hung out with CKC all weekend while Adam shmoozed some parents.