Sunday, October 31, 2010

Away from home

So today I flew from Silver City to Albquerque so I could fly to Denver tomorrow. I'm going there to do work from our home office. It was really hard for me to leave my house. Adam had left already for his work, but I swear Blitz didn't want me to leave. I felt so bad for him and he kept sraring at me like, "mom, where are you and the baby going? Can I go with?". I felt really bad and I started to miss Adam already and I broke down and cried. I was so shooken up I actually got lost to th airport. I was fine when I got there though.

So the silver city airport is pretty small. I called there because I was lost and the nice lady gave me directions and told me someone would stand outside along the road. So when I got closer sure enough she was out there. As I got closer I was really confused. It seemed like a geisha doll, but I kep driving. Then she started waving-the lady waiting for me was dressed like a geisha for halloween. I was trying not to laugh at her, she had a black wig on, kimono, and her face was white with red lipstick. * half hour later I got on my 14 passenger plane. I was the only one. I walked to the runway and then got on and we took off immediately. The flight was fast. Now I'm in my hotel in Alb and missing adam really bad and I already wish I were home. At least its only a week.

One more Adam characteristic-i like black olives and guacamole now. I dispised those before. More signs of baby clark inside me!

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