Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby makes 3

Ok so I totally stole this title from my friend Emily's blog, but it's perfect.

Here is the story of Caden's birth process.

MARCH 8TH I had been having headaches since Friday of the week before and they were just not going away.  I called the doctor and I checked into labor and delivery so they could monitor my blood pressure etc and make sure that my pre-eclampsia wasn't elevating.  We figured we would only be there for a few hours like before, but this time was different.  The doctor recommended that I stayed overnight (which made me bawl) and take some percocet to see if that would elevate the pain.  I really didn't want to as I didn't want anything effecting Caden, but it was the only way to see if my headaches would worsen-that would cause a seizure and we didn't want that.

The percocet didn't work and they decided to give me an IV of a drug called Stadol, it made me very dizzy and felt very drunk.  It temporarily got rid of my headache, but didn't make it go away.  I received 2 doses of this through out the night and then they decided to give me 2 other drugs.  It was a long experience and I was completely drained.  My headache was still persistent and blood pressure still a little high.  I slept about 2 hours that night in the hospital.

MARCH 9TH the doctor said that if the baby looked healthy and since my pregnancy has been so great up to this point then if necessary they would induce me.  She ordered an ultrasound and at around 10 the ultrasound tech told us our baby was about 7lbs and 3oz.  So, healthy baby to deliver.  That was music to my ears.  After a horrible nights sleep and not wanting to go home without a baby I was so ready to have him.
getting ready for baby!

Later that afternoon the doctor gave me a pill in my vag to start thinning my cervix.  Since my pressure was still also high I was also put on a Magnesium drip and other liquids.  The whole night was a little less stressful than the night before, but I still didn't get much sleep.  I was comforted more though as Adam slept in the hospital with me.

MARCH 10TH I was dilated at about 1-2CM.  The doctor said I would most likely deliver around 5pm that night.  I was OK with that as I was so ready to have him.  Adam and I couldn't believe that this moment was happening to us.  It was amazing.  We were anxious and just kind of awkward the whole day, it was weird, we were just hanging out and we just knew in a few hours that we'd have a baby.  It was a funny feeling to have.

At around 11:30 I started having pretty intense contractions.  They were coming about once every couple minutes.  They were very intense and I was not able to get up and walk around due to my magnesium drip they had given me for the blood pressure.  It was NOT comfortable. I wanted to just walk them out and focus on different things (that was in my birth plan) but things were completely turned upside down since I had been there since Tuesday.  Adam was awesome throughout my contractions and I was so happy to have him with me.  He was a great birth coach and kept me calm and comfortable.  For about 3 hours I was in pretty intense pain.  The doctors checked me again and i was dilated up to a 3.  He said I would most likely deliver in 5 more hours-so that meant 5 more hours of intense contractions.  I was exhausted and falling a sleep in between contractions already since I was so physically drained from the days before.  I decided to get the epidural and in about 2 hours I went from 3cm to 10cm.  I was ready to deliver.

5PM-My epidural wore off and I was ready to start pushing.  The epidural was heavenly and when I could start feeling every single nerve again in my body, it was so painful.  My Dad booked a last minute flight and got there just in time for delivery-it was so great to have him there.  It was so helpful and supportive.  During labor Adam coached me and was so motivating.  He kept close to me and watched the entire thing.  I pushed for a little over an hour.  1/2 way through the process I could feel his head with my hand and it gave me a second wind to keep pushing.  It was the most intense pain i had felt in my life.  I just kept asking how far along i was and how much longer i would be pushing.  Adam was great and didn't lie, he just kept telling me to keep it up and I was doing awesome.

6:02PM-I heard the most amazing sound in my life.  Caden came out screaming and they laid him on my chest.  It was so awesome.  Adam and I were overwhelmed and fell in love instantly.  I felt an intense feeling to protect and love him as much as I could.  Adam felt an intense feeling to make him as successful as possible and do everything right by him and be the best dad he could.  After seeing him all my cares and worries I've ever had in life completely disappeared and I was just in love with my new son.  He was perfect in every sense of the word.  He had Adam's nose and my lips, he is a perfect combo of the both of us.

The next few days I spent in ICU and back in labor and delivery, but was finally able to go home on Saturday-MARCH 12TH.  It was the happiest time in my life.  Adam's parents got there on Friday night and have been helping ever since with our little guy and taking care of Adam and I as well.  My Dad has been doing the same and everyone loves being new grandparents!  It's killing my mom to not be here yet, but she will be here a lot of April to help when I go back to work.  It will be a huge help

Were all back home now and just living life with our new addition Caden Kwan Clark-he's amazing and is the happiest baby.  He loves being held and he has hair that never ends.  When he looks up at you with his little brown eyes, it melts your heart you fall in love with him over and over again.

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