Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012!

Hello 2012, you look FABULOUS!  My blog is finally----kind of----back up and running!  I've been doing some experiementing on DreamWeaver and I've got to say, making websites is very fun, but in the meantime, I've got my good ole blogger.

What will this blog offer you in 2012 you ask?


Ok, seriously, I will share a lot of thoughts on how to survive living with an always 'in season' football coach and how to keep up with my ever growing off-spring, Caden.

I will try to share more convient foods for the football season, unlike my amazing lasagna that took 35923 hours to make.

Mostly, I hope my blog will provide you with insights on what it's like to be married to football.   Maybe we can connect on a creepy internet way and we can share our stories on how to be super hero Football Wives and Moms...but let's not get all sappy.  Happy New Year!

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