Friday, November 26, 2010

Family Time

At the end of our trip in San Diego Adam and I spent some time alone with Caden.  We did our ritual of getting breakfast burritos from our favorite taco shop and ate them at the top of Mt. Helix.  It was so nice-we have been doing that ever since we met.  It's our little tradition.  From the top of the mountain you can see all of San Diego.  We eat breakfast there and then pick out all the places we want to live and dream about our life on the ocean.

After breakfast Adam and I spent the day doing a little baby shopping and walking on the beach.  It was really nice out and we were able to walk along the beach in Pacific Beach and hang out on the cliffs in Ocean Beach.  We decided our baby room theme would be the beach.  We got Caden some cute seashells and a picture frame in the shape of a surfboard.


  1. Mimi-those are perfect pictures for the baby room! make them into 8x10s or 5x7s and hang them on the wall over his crib...just an idea...:) We can do a mini maternity shoot over Christmas if you're up for it...

  2. What a beautiful mom to be . . . and a handsome dad!

  3. That would be so nice Carrie! I'll totally take you up on it!
