Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hospital Visit

Last night Adam and I made our first trip to the hospital.  My blood pressure was really high, so I called the doctor and he recommended that I come in.  It was kind of perfect timing since our car seat came the same day, so we were prepared just in case.  The doctor said depending on the test results, I may be induced that night, so Adam and I packed our bags just in case.

I got to labor and delivery around 7pm and they hooked me up to the blood pressure machine and monitored the baby.  It was so good to hear his heartbeat so much.  It's something that I will never get used to, every time I hear it, I get so excited and it makes my heart melt.  My blood pressure was much lower, which was great.  They took my blood and ran some test to see if I had preeclampsia.  A few hours later we found out all my tests came back ok and we were OK to go home.  It was a long wait and we were wondering if we would have a baby this weekend, but luckily the doc said we had a few more weeks.  With his size and my blood pressure though he said we'd be lucky to make it past 38 weeks.  I'm so ready to have him whenever he is ready to come.  He is around 6lbs already so the doctor said he'd be a healthy little boy.

We will keep everyone updated!

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