Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wax on, Wax off

So, usually I get waxed by a professional, but since Adam and I are trying to save money I bought a home kit.  Trust me it's a jungle down there and i would have been totally embarrassed to go anywhere anyway.  Adam gave me a full bikini wax and OMG did it hurt like hell!

It's usually pretty painful anyway, but this time it was excruciating.  It was Adam's first of course and he didn't quite get the concept of ripping complete strips off, so instead he was ripping off little chunks by chunk, so basically it just felt like he was plucking each hair out by hand.  It took over an hour, but after that he was finally done.

He didn't get all the wax off, so basically i stuck to everything and was glued shut for about 24 hours.  It was hilarious and we laughed super hard.  He truly is a trooper of a husband.

Sorry, no pictures. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG Mimi! lol. Both of you are troopers for waxing for AN HOUR. I'm impressed.
