Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Shower (San Diego)

Last weekend Adam and I had one last baby shower hosted by his Mom and his Aunts.  It was really fun.  It was a ton of fun seeing everyone and spending time out there even though our trip was really short.  We got a ton of awesome things for Caden and his room is almost complete.  We just need some curtains and a bed skirt.

Breakfast burritos
We drove Friday afternoon and got in around 10pm and then we went straight to bed.  In the morning we went to our favorite burrito shop in the morning and then headed straight to IKEA to get the rest of our nursery furniture.  We got our changing table and some cute decorations and some bedding.  After that we headed to the shower.  Adam's mom was super sick but she was a really good hostess.  His Aunts and cousin Cory came over too to help out.  It was a really fun day.  I'm getting more and more anxious to hold him in my arms and have him enter into our world.

After IKEA we went to Babies R US to spend the last of our gift cards from our shower in Iowa.  We got all the main essentials and just need his stroller.  Which we will get this month.  After that we went to my new favorite restaurant Sushiya with some of his family, it was so good, they have awesome sushi and Korean food.  Needless to say after the day was over my feet were so swollen, you couldn't even see my ankles, i looked like i had caveman feet and my arches were completely swollen over, it was crazy.

We drove home after breakfast with Adam's dad in the morning, I think he is getting really excited to have a grandchild and I'm sure he will be visiting a lot and spoiling him.

7 weeks left to go and it's quickly approaching.  I've been having more and more braxton hicks contractions, they aren't painful, just really weird, my belly just turns to stone.  My doctor said everything is going well and I will start going there every week pretty soon.  They increased my iron to 2 doses a day, but it's not too bad, some complications with heartburn though-other than that, we are ready to have the little guy!

getting HUGE

surfer cake

Petra and Ginger

Soon to be parents

Finally Jon smiling!

Jill and her new friend Emma

relaxing after putting together the rocking chair

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