Tuesday, December 14, 2010


After getting the good news for home
 We finally got the news today that Mom could go home!  We were so excited!  The cat scan came back great.  Her brain re-aligned and there was no sign of blood or leakage!  Her brain had shifted to the left 1/2 centimeter.  We compared the 2 scans, the one from Friday and the one from today and there was a HUGE difference.  We will go back next week for another scan and follow up with her other doctors to make sure no cancer came back.  This was truly a miracle!  Thank you all for prayers!

How is Caden holding up during all of this?  Just perfect.  He's happy to finally hear his Grandma's voice.
Finally reunited with Molly!  At peace!

1 comment:

  1. That top picture should be her Christmas card photo:) Great "go get 'em" shot!
