Friday, December 3, 2010

Baby Crib

My Mom bought us a baby crib for Caden-Consumer Reports best rated crib!  Of course would Caden have anything else?  Adam got home last night from recruiting up in Albuquerque for the past two days but was eager to set it up-mostly I think he was just trying to make me happy though.  I was really excited and I know he was tired, but we got it done.  It took a little over an hour-but it's beautiful.  It's also HUGE.  It turns into like 4 different beds-it's really nice.  I can't wait to get our little guy in it.  After Adam and I got done putting it together we just stared at it and were smiling and laughing about how very soon a little baby will be peaking out of the crib looking for his parents.

Caden's Dresser-still undetermined on where to put it
little beachy knobs we bought

Starting to come together! Still a mess though

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