Saturday, March 19, 2011

The 1st week at home with Caden

Out little eskimo
We are finishing our 1st week at home with Caden and it has been a pretty amazing experience thus far. I always believed people when they said that the experience of having a child was something you can't completely explain and I feel the same way now. The immediate feeling of responsibility I had when I first saw him was incredible. The need to do all I can to help him become a good person was intense right away. He has been pretty cooperative thus far especially lately as Mimi and I have both been getting decent sleep. He just needs to be fed and changed and he stays pretty happy. It has been a little hectic being in the middle of spring practice having a new born son, but I wouldn't change it at all. Mimi and I are so happy and feel blessed. Mimi's Dad and my Mom stayed with us all this week and helped out a ton. We can already see small changes in him day by day, it really is a lot of fun. We will update you all as our journey continues. Thanks- Adam

1 comment:

  1. eskimo picture is sooooo adorable. how is he doing with baths? is this after one? awww!
